
Simplify The Management of Security Deposits
Enhanced Trust
Shippers and Carriers trust NYSHEX as a neutral third-party to hold security deposits and distribute penalties according to contract performance.
Improved Performance
Carriers and shippers can agree to utilize security deposits as an increased incentive to deliver strong contract performance.
Complete Transparency
For commercial agreements that include deposits, NYSHEX provides transparency into the process of calculating and distributing penalty payments.
NYSHEX can independently hold security to provide greater incentive for all parties to fulfill their obligations.
Contract Penalty Statement Creation
NYSHEX stores a historical record of exceptions to support statement creation. Review and dispute statements for defaults on your contract all in one place. Get clear visibility into the reasons for penalties and how much is owed in penalties.

Why use NYSHEX
Optimize Your Network
Improve vessel utilization with fewer no-shows, and better plan service networks based on reliable cargo flows.
Increase Internal Efficiencies
Reduce time spent by commercial and customer experience teams pulling reports and fact-finding.
Deliver an Improved Experience
Create transparency, foster corrective action, and allow for quick and seamless resolution with customers.
Supply Chain Reliability
Ship with confidence knowing that the NYSHEX for Shippers platform will allow you to actively manage and improve your contract fulfillment.
More Predictable Costs
Avoid having to place multiple bookings with backup carriers at higher freight rates, carry excess inventory, or even worse, lose out on sales.
Improve Efficiency
Eliminate the need for manual data aggregation across multiple sources and instead leverage direct data feeds into one easy-to-use application.