Uniting shippers, carriers, and NVOCCs with a reliable and trusted system for global commerce.
NYSHEX is the digital infrastructure for global shipping. Our platform unites shippers, carriers, and forwarders with a reliable, efficient, and trusted system for global commerce.
We’re building a better tomorrow; we are a truly revolutionary company that’s transforming the logistics space for good. We are providing market infrastructure to help restore trust and reliability and make global trade work so everyone wins.

Our Vision
NYSHEX’s vision is to become the digital and financial infrastructure for all modes of shipping. The result is global commerce that’s more efficient, stable, and predictable.
Meet the Team
"As part of the member acquisition team, I'm responsible for finding new BCO and NVO innovators who are tired of the status quo. I think my favorite part about working for NYSHEX is that we add stability to any business and its supply chain. The value is undeniable, and I’m glad I get to provide this kind of solution to those seeking relief in the industry."

"As an Account Manager, I’m responsible for onboarding new members and remaining their dedicated NYSHEX representative, ensuring they have a great experience. The most rewarding aspect of the job is helping our members achieve a level of service reliability they haven’t been able to achieve prior."

"I’ve worked at NYSHEX for about two years now. I was hired as a front-end engineer and now lead the Tactical R&D team which is responsible for most of the integration work done across the organization. I have a background working in investment banking and what I love about NYSHEX is the tangible problem we are solving in global commerce and ocean shipping. I love that I get to work with some of the smartest and kindest people in the industry, especially on applications that our members from around the world find value from every day."

"I'm the engineering team lead and have been with NYSHEX for two and a half years. I came from a large tech organization where there wasn't much creativity involved and things moved slowly. At NYSHEX, we are given problems for which we devise solutions. Also, owed to the way we've built our architecture, we can move quickly. I love the personal challenge and sense of accomplishment that I get when I'm able to release something."

"The thing I love about the product we're building at NYSHEX is that it's not just about visibility. It's about actionability. It's really exciting every day and no two days of the same. The people are fantastic and it's really great to really sit down and feel like you're tackling problems. The solutions that we're coming up with really are solutions that can carry forward."

